The 2024 Swimming Season Opens
Saturday, June 1st
Membership information will be ready to go by March 1st for Summer 2024. Opening Day is set for Saturday, June 1st. For a limited time, member registration will be available online. Look for the “Click Here to Register Now” button at the top right of the page.
We welcome Ernie Pio back to the HCC Snack Stand for his second year. Ernie is also the owner of Street Food Sandwich Shop in Hatboro.
He is a 1987 graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and has many years of experience as a chef and owner in fine dining establishments as well as years of catering events of all sizes.
From its inception in 1957, HCC has relied on community donations, pool memberships and facility use fees to finance its projects and required maintenance of facilities. We appreciate all the community support and continued membership to help keep the Harleysville Community Center an important place for family and friends to gather and share memories.
A special Thank You goes out to our Community partners – Lower Salford Township, Excel Communications, Harleysville Bank, Harleysville Jaycees, Harleysville Lions and Harleysville Rotary for their ongoing support of HCC.
To learn more of the Center’s interesting history, CLICK HERE.

The Harleysville Summer Day Camp is excited for another summer of fun! The 2024 season will be our 3rd season and will run from June 17 through August 9. There is also a minicamp week that will run from August 12-16. Unfortunately, we are sold out for the 2024 season but families may reserve a spot on our waitlist by clicking here. Should an opening occur, families will be contacted in the order that they register on the waitlist.
HCC is home to the Harleysville Swim & Dive Team
For more information visit: https://www.teamunify.com/Home.jsp?team=recbssdlhsdt
HCC pool memberships are required for all Harleysville Swim & Dive Team members.